Don’t settle for typical employee group benefits when Oracle RMS offers you more

Our 20+ years of experience offers a less traditional approach to benefit plans with a focus on flexibility for your company. We understand one plan design does not to fulfill everyone’s needs and expectations. Whether it’s your first attempt at designing a benefit plan or reviewing an existing one, we help you understand, become educated and create a plan that is sustainable for the long term to be appreciated by owners and employees.

You're too small? not at all!

We service the Gig Economy and self-employed consultants starting at 1 employee. 

Independent contractors, freelancers and sole proprietors are limited in choice when it comes to health plans. Our goal is to ensure quality health plans are available for those who choose to work for themselves.

Our unique program leverages the group purchasing power of members to provide affordable plans that are accessible to Professional Surveyors Canada members. It offers more flexibility and better coverage than what can be found in other individual plans with no health underwriting. CLICK HERE for more information.

You have questions? We've got answers!

I Want Coverage Now!

No increase, no problem!

A Healthcare Spending Account (HSA) is a fantastic way to introduce health and dental coverage to your company.  It can also inject flexibility and choice to an existing group benefits plan. The plan allows you to fix a predetermined amount set by you. Your employee can only claim up to the amount you set until the plan renews the following year. There you have it, a plan or benefit that stays fixed year to year. Each year the HSA amount will reset for your employees. If you want to adjust the amount you’re offering, you can change it when your plan renews.

The funds provide non-taxable benefit to your employees and a tax expense to your company.

Want to learn more?

Personal stand-alone Disability Protection

The Professional Surveyors Canada association rates are discounted up to 25% and provided by RBC Insurance.

Disability plan coverage is flexible offering a range of options:

Let’s see how we can help!

Providing all your Group and Personal insurance needs

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